
Explore resources and videos designed to foster understanding and resilience. Our goal is to equip people with the tools to cope with their cancer experience, discuss cancer openly with their loved ones and healthcare providers, and take control of their health and wellbeing.

Essential Cancer Guides and Resources

Adolescent and Young Adult Support Guide

Caregiver Support Guide

Support Groups

Mind & Body Programs

MyGo2Support (English)

MyGo2Support (Español)

Health Champion

Nutrition and Cancer Prevention

Mental Health Individual and Family Support

Other Resources:

The 5 S's of Sun Safety

Building an Understanding
Part 1: What is Cancer?

Watch Caitlin Novelli, Certified Child Life Specialist (CCLS) from CR4H, use building blocks and Playdoh to discuss cancer in an approachable way for people of all ages.

*Contains Both English and Spanish Translations.

Downloadable Resources

Here you will find tools developed by our team to help your family cope with cancer. 

Educational Workshops

We provide evidence – based educational workshops on a variety of topics of interest to people with cancer, family members, and caregivers.