Meet our Members

Impactful stories and testimonials
from our CR4H members.

Crossroads4Hope Member Spotlight:
Christine Hofmann

"I wanted to express my feelings of gratitude
for your organization and staff - Crossroads4Hope.

I began my support journey with Crossroads4Hope with the online Caregiver Support Group, my husband was diagnosed with a terminal cancer and thankfully outlived the doctor’s expectations but had to endure so much in the hopes of just more time, in which he did so valiantly. There I met Kyle, the facilitator, and people that were caregivers due their situations. The openness of the group helped me realize, although our journeys were different, I was not alone and that these changes to our lives and behaviors happened in a variety of ways to all of us. I used things that were spoken about in group to help me comprehend moments and stay strong for my love.

My husband passed away two and a half years after his diagnosis and my world crumbled down around me, he was gone, and I was no longer whole. I, of course, reached out to Kyle, knowing I needed someone to help me deal properly with all my feelings and now knew I needed someone to help me survive. Since then, I occasionally attend an online grief support group and have one on one sessions with Kyle. I would not know where I would be without the dear support of Kyle, he is truly a blessing in my life. He guides me through dark days, some sessions of nonstop tears and rambling – he listens, he has me look inside myself, he guides me, he shares his knowledge and counseling expertise - he cares

I don’t know how I would do this alone or where I would be without the support of Kyle from Crossroads4Hope. Thank goodness for Crossroads4Hope being there to support us in many ways through cancer's life altering journeys."

Thank You, Christine Hofmann

Inspiring Hope for Our Members

More Member Journeys

Meet Edin & Shiamara

Meet Jen Pincus

Testimonials & Kind Words

“Crossroads4Hope has helped me tremendously, their support group was my family, and I don’t know where I’d be without them. My advice for anyone living with cancer, find a Crossroads, find a support group.”
Maureen O’Sullivan

Survivor, Crossroads4Hope Member

“I always thought of needing support as a sign of weakness. After joining a group myself, I have learned support is not weakness but strength.”

Support Group Member with Cancer

“Being a caregiver, I am thankful for the opportunity to give love and receive love. Crossroads4Hope is a community, a home and place where such love exists.”
Nancy Gonzalez

Crossroads4Hope Member

“It is a real mission…This is real support. It is genuine. When you come to Crossroads, right away you will know and feel it.”


Support Group Member with Cancer

“The programs have been so important for my family. It has been so helpful to me to know that I am not alone on this journey and to be able to share with other parents how similar or different our journey’s as parents with cancer.”

Support4Families Parent
“With the help of the staff and friends I have made in the bereavement group, I have been able to move on. I will never be fully healed, but I can enjoy the life I have left.”
Bereavement Support Group Member