A Message to our Community

The events occurring around the nation as a result of the tragic deaths of Mr. George Floyd and others are a stark reminder of a pattern of historical treatment and suffering experienced by African-Americans and communities of color. The COVID-19 pandemic is an additional burden to those communities that has shone the light on systemic health disparities as a result of lack of access to healthcare. Moreover, we are facing an economic crisis not seen since the Great Depression, further reducing access to social service resources at a time when they are needed most.

A health crisis like cancer reminds us of our shared humanity. For more than 15 years, Cancer Support Community Central New Jersey (CSCCNJ) has embraced people living with their own cancer diagnosis or the diagnosis/death of a loved one, regardless of age, stage or type of cancer, where they are treated or where in Central New Jersey they live. CSCCNJ is a safe space for all people to come together for camaraderie and social and emotional support, and to access our life-aiding programs and services. CSCCNJ is where hope lives and where caring and empathy towards one another are the key ingredients to thriving and a good quality of life.

CSCCNJ is dedicated to helping you manage the stress and anxiety a cancer diagnosis causes you to feel and that are compounded by COVID-19 and the state of our economy.

We are committed to continuing to provide, at no charge, vital emotional support services to all people affected by cancer during and beyond the pandemic. If you or someone you know is dealing with a cancer diagnosis, either directly or indirectly through a loved one, call us at 908-658-5400.

We are here for you…So That No One Faces Cancer Alone.®


Amy J. Sutton, CEO

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